International Classification of Goods and Services
The Nice Classification (NCL), 12th edition
version 2023

Welcome to the
This website is one of the most popular and visited on the topic of classification of goods and services. It performs its informative and advisory function for both specialists on trademark registration and for any person lacking experience and knowledge about specific features of the Nice Classification and wishing to raise the level of their knowledge in this sphere.
The information on the site is presented in several language versions: Russian, English, French and Spanish.
The project is developed by the specialists of the Center «Тovarnie».
The site contains the latest and most up-to-date edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services (The Nice Classification).

In addition, this website is designedin in order to help those persons who decide to obtain a trademark registration and face the Nice Classification for the first time to understand the International Classification of Goods and Services, as well as it is a convenient instrument for patent agents and specialists on trademark registration.

With a convenient search system on the website you can choose class of the Nice Classification for which the trademark registration.
Please note that selection of the Nice Classification’s classes is a rather difficult process requiring perfect theoretical knowledge and proper experience in this field.
Without a sufficient scope of knowledge on the specifics of the Nice Classification you can make a mistake while selecting classes and consequently register the trademark for classes not relevant for your business that may result in trademark insecurity for the relevant class.

The situation can be improved only by re-registering your mark for the relevant class with extra financial and economic and time costs.

Online search
of classes of the Nice Classification

General remarks
There are methodological recommendations of Rospatent on compiling a list of goods and services for which registration of a trademark is requested, where criteria are indicated that facilitate the search for the class of the Nice Classification. Let's bring a few explanations:
Finished goods are classified according to their purpose or function. In case if purpose or function is not specified, then finished products should be classified according to analogies with similar products indicated in the list of goods and services.
Example: processed sunflower seeds belong to class 29 of the Nice Classification, in which processed goods are listed, and untreated sunflower seeds to class 31 of the Nice Classification.
If functions and purpose are not found, then additional criteria, such as - the material from which the product is made, or by the principle product action.
Services should be classified according to activities indicated in the title and class notes.
All rental services are classified mainly in those classes that include services carried out with the help of rental facilities (for example, phone rental – class 38), at the same time, services related to financial leasing are classified under class 36 as financial services.

What is the Nice Classification
and how to choose the right classes? [subtitles]

What is the Nice Classification?
The Nice Classification is a short name for International Classification of Goods and Services. This classification is used for the purposes of the registration of trademarks. New editions of the classification come into force on January 1 of each year.

What are classes of the Nice Classification?
Classes of the Nice Classification are a complex of goods (services) divided into categories. The classification is based on the principle of goods and services homogeneity.

What is the Classification of Goods and Services used for?
This classification is necessary to systematize the selection of necessary goods and services, as well as to simplify compilation of an application for trademark registration by the applicant.

Does the cost of trademark registration depend on the quantity of the Nice Classification’s classes for which registration will take place?
Yes, the cost of trademark registration directly depends on the quantity of the Nice Classification’s classes for which you would like to register your trademark. The more classes of the Nice Classification you select, the higher the amount of the state fee due for payment is. This principle is also applied to execution of preliminary search for the trademark. The more classes are involved in the search, the higher the charge of Rospatent is.

Can I register my trademark for one class first and then register it for another class?
Yes, you can register your trademark for one class and further for another class but for this purpose the process of registration must be carried out once again.

Is application of the Classification an obligatory condition with trademark registration?
Yes, applying of the Nice Classification is an obligatory condition for trademark registration.

Is it possible to register my trademark for all classes of the Nice Classification?
If appropriate you can register your trademark for all classes of goods and services specified in the Nice Classification. In this case the amount of expenditures connected with the payment of the state fee will increase significantly.

What is the difference between the editions and versions of the Nice Classification?
Each new edition contains significant changes: This may be the emergence of a new class of Nice Classification or the movement of goods or services from one class to another. The editions of the Nice Classification are published every 5 years.
New versions are published once a year and contain only amendments to the current edition: adding or excluding new goods and services, changing the wording of indications of goods and services, class headings and explanations.

Can I determine the class in accordance with the Nice Classification on my own?
Certainly, you can determine the class of your trademark on your own. Even in case of utilization of all the information given on the site, but without essential practical skills you may make a mistake in accurate selection of the class.
In case of incorrect class selection you risk to register your trademark under the classes not relevant for your business and to waste money as a result of this. - quick and convenient search of the Nice Classification classes
Information on the website was prepared by the «Tovarnie» center based on open information from the website of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
We regularly use the online search of classes of the Nice Classification for our clients and are confident in its effectiveness. Try it too!